Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Family is a domestic group of people (or a number of domestic groups), typically affiliated by birth or marriage. (Wikipedia)

Family, a simple word yet one who hold a special meaning never to be taken lightly, a word that is taught to each and every one of us from young. A symbolism of the unique and irreplaceable bond that is shared between those of the young and the old, those who share the same blood or even those that just simply take comfort with those they cannot do without.

Yet somehow, this single word weighs heavier with each passing day of this single week on my shoulders. With every passing min, every passing hour and of course, every passing day, it seems I will be driven into the ground sooner or later and yet, the freaky thing is, I can’t seem to wait for that inevitable day to come, the day I’m driven over the edge.

Times I ask, do I like for the sake of living, or do I live to find out for what do I live and then there is, do I live just to find out what the next second will bring?

Times I ask this, and timeless more I shall…

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